We train high-level human resources for the study and treatment of problems derived from
innovation in leather tanning processes and tanned products, through the application of the
newest knowledge, within the framework of an educational system that harmonizes theory with practice;
this specialization has a quality focused on the student, equality, academic rigor and is sustained by
continuous teacher improvement.
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General Objective
The graduate of the leather tanning specialization will design new products and processes for the tannery through the study of the transformation that raw skin experiences, until its conversion into finished leather. The graduates will understand the influence of each of the tanning process stages on the properties of the final product as well as their environmental impact.
The three areas of knowledge covered by the syllabus include:
• Innovation and process optimization in the tanning and related industries; these are taught with a focus on innovation to improve existing processes or to implement new processes to convert raw skins into finished leather with defined characteristics.
• Analytical chemistry applied to tanning. Skills are developed to define the formulations of the products and materials that help in the tanning of hides or in the applying of their coatings.
• Environmental management. Procedures are developed to control processes and their environmental impact through the establishment of work methods and quantitative record keeping by sub-process.
Graduates of careers in the area of engineering and technology in the disciplines of industrial engineering, biotechnology, environmental engineering, biochemical engineering, chemical engineering, industrial chemistry, chemical sciences.
The candidate must have:
– Knowledge. Engineering or undergraduate degree related to this postgraduate area and who demonstrates an ability to read and understand a technical text in English.
– Experience. If you do not have this specific type of academic preparation, you should have experience in the tanning process or in the hides supplying process.
– Abilities. For the handling of chemical products and materials from the tanning process; ability to describe productive, manufacturing processes and write technical reports.
– Values. Interest in innovation; ability to work on a team and be willing to take responsibility.
The graduates will have developed a scientific knowledge base for the innovation of products and tanning processes. They will be able to: optimize the use of the resources employed while tanning skins, to innovate processes, systematize the suppliers development, make use of clean technologies and develop new products. The graduate of the specialization will have the aptitude to perform the function of technical director of a tannery, based on their knowledge and scientific practice, with a focus on innovation.
The program can be completed in two semesters; as it has a practical/theoretical graduate focus, it is developed in the classroom, using on site laboratories and visits to companies
(*)A: Classroom; L: Laboratory, (**) These points will be assigned at the end of the program.
Semester | Subject / Learning Units | Code | Hours /Professor | Hours extra class | Points | Infrastructure |
1 | Protein chemistry | QA-01 | 25 | 25 | 3 | (A) |
1 | Advanced design of tanning processes 1 | IN-01 | 60 | 60 | 8 | (A)(L) |
1 | Design and automation of the tanning industry | IN-02 | 20 | 20 | 3 | (A)(L) |
1 | Advanced finishing technology | IN-03 | 90 | 90 | 11 | (A) |
1 | Instrumental analysis and Normalization | GA-01 | 20 | 20 | 3 | (A)(L) |
2 | Science and technology of chemical and auxiliary products | QA-02 | 15 | 15 | 2 | (A)(L) |
2 | Advanced design of tanning processes 2 | IN-04 | 60 | 60 | 8 | (A)(L) |
2 | Innovative Techniques | QA-03 | 60 | 60 | 8 | (A) |
2 | Internationalization and market management | GA-02 | 20 | 20 | 3 | (A) |
2 | Life cycle analysis of the skin | GA-03 | 20 | 20 | 3 | (A)(L) |
. | Practical report (**) | TT-01 | . | 180 | 11 | . |
. | Final Work (**) | TT-02 | . | 270 | 17 | . |
. | TOTAL | . | 390 | 840 | 80 | . |
(*)A: Classroom; L: Laboratory, (**) these points will be assigned at the end of the program.
The teaching body or academic core is made up of the following professors:
![]() | Juan José Quiroz Ramírez | Internal Professor |
![]() | Javier Antonio Arcibar Orozco | Internal Professor |
![]() | Carlos Amador Meza Moya | Internal Professor |
![]() | Benjamín Aguilar Ruíz Master in technical direction of tanning by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and specialization in leather tanning by CIATEC. Chemical engineer from the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the University of Guanajuato. He works as a technical consultant, specialized in wet tanning processes at CIATEC, A.C. CVU: 358888 | Internal Professor |
![]() | José León Montoya Valadez Master in technical direction of tanning by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and specialization in leather tanning by CIATEC, A.C. Industrial Engineer from the University of León. He works as a technical consultant in manufacturing processes at CIATEC, A.C. CVU: 223967 | Internal Professor |
![]() | Walter Valeriano Acevey Master in technical direction of tanning by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and specialization in leather tanning by CIATEC, A.C. Chemical engineer from the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the University of Guanajuato. He has a Master degree in Industrial Engineering by the Technological Institute of León. Currently, he works as a technical consultant in tanning processes at CIATEC A.C. CVU: 112831 | Internal Professor |
![]() | María del Socorro García Murillo Master in technical direction of tanning by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Master of Science in Industrial Engineering by the Technological Institute of León and specialization in leather tanning by CIATEC, A.C. Chemical engineer from the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the University of Guanajuato. Currently, she works as a technical consultant in CIATEC, A.C. CVU: 231968 | Internal Professor |
![]() | Felip Combalia Cendra Middle Degree in Chemical Industrial Technical Engineering from EUETII (UPC), Master in Technical Direction of Tannery from UPC, Higher Degree in Engineering in Industrial Organization from ETSEIT (UPC) and Doctorate from ETSEIT (UPC). Researcher ID: N-6521-2014 Orcid Code :00-0002-8789-8399 | External Tutor |
![]() | Anna Bacardit Dalmases Grado medio en Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial Química, por la EUETII (UCP), Máster en Dirección Técnica de la Curtición por la UPC, Grado superior en Enginyeria en organització industrial por la ETSEIT y Doctora en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad de Barcelona. Researcher ID: N-5722-2014 Código Orcid: 0000-0003-1871-4127 | External Tutor |
![]() | Lluis Ollé Otero Medium degree in Technical Engineering in Chemical Engineering from EUETII (UPC) Postgraduate in tanning techniques from EUETII (UPC), Master in technical tanning management from EUETII (UPC), Bachelor of Chemical Sciences from the National University of Distance Education and Doctor of Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona. | External Tutor |
![]() | Carolina Dueñas Martín del Campo Currently, she is the managing director of Tenería Dueñas del Centro S.A., has a Master degree in Leather Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and a specialization in leather tanning, graduated from CIATEC, A.C. She has a bachelor degree in Public Accounting and Finance from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Campus León. She attended the Manager Training Program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology with Mexico, organized by the GIZ Deutsche Gesselschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Munich, Baveria, Germany, October - November 2013. From June - July 1997, she consulted with Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina. In addition, she consulted with Societá Dante Alighieri Rome, Italy, during September - December 1995. CVU: 259555 | External Professor |
Active Advisors
Tutor | Origin |
Juan José Quiroz Ramírez | CIATEC |
Javier Antonio Arcibar Orozco | CIATEC |
Carlos Amador Meza Moya | CIATEC |
Benjamín Aguilar Ruíz | CIATEC |
José León Montoya Valadez | CIATEC |
Walter Valeriano Acevey | CIATEC |
María del Socorro García Murillo | CIATEC |
Felip Combalia Cendra | Universidad de Lleida |
Anna Bacardit Dalmases | Universidad de Lleida |
Lluis Ollé Otero | Universidad de Lleida |
Resultados Proceso de Admisión 2025
Especialización en Curtido de Pieles
- Alan Moisés Solís Lozoya
- Eliseo De León Rosendo
- Elizabeth Quintana Rodríguez
- Juan Manuel Avalos Ríos
- Luis Ernesto Araiza Márquez
- María Guadalupe Alba Navarro
- Paul Yair Montañez González
- Roberto Guillermo Maximiliano Venegas Navarro
- Rodrigo Jonathan Martínez Espinosa
- Stephanie Andrea O Horan Terán
Mtro. Oscar Arturo Silva Rocha
Tel. (477) 710 00 11, ext. 13100
The three areas of knowledge covered by the syllabus are:
– Innovation and process optimization in the tanning and related industry.
– Environmental Management.
– Analytical Chemistry applied to tanning.
Innovation and process optimization in the tanning and related industry | 34 |
Analytical Chemistry applied to tanning | 27 |
Environmental management | 15 |
TOTAL | 76 |
Innovation and process optimization in the tanning and related industry | 34 |
Analytical Chemistry applied to tanning | 27 |
Environmental Management | 15 |
TOTAL | 76 |
Professional practice by teaching body. All professors carry out activities at CIATEC related to consultancies, technological services and research from or for industry, which gives them practical experience.
Academic exchange. CIATEC maintains a cooperative agreement with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia through the Higher School of Tannery at Igualada, in Spain. Through this agreement, students can make academic exchanges to receive courses, internships and industrial visits. Through an evaluation of knowledge, the degree of Master in Technical Engineering of Leather can be obtained.
A tripartite agreement has been signed between the Chamber of Industry of the State of Guanajuato (CICUR), the University of Guanajuato, through the Faculty of Chemistry, and CIATEC, to promote technological development projects. Graduate students from other Universities can participate in the postgraduate program at CIATEC.
Strengthening of Human Resources training capacities. Support has been received from CONACYT and CONCYTEG to develop the teaching body, modernize the infrastructure for teaching and laboratory practices, and to complement book holding.
Scholarship management. By being enrolled in the PNPC (Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad in Spanish), a student may apply for national and mixed scholarships from CONACYT. Additionally, CIATEC provides institutional support to Center staff or those students who, for some reason, cannot obtain a CONACYT scholarship.
Placement of the graduates. A high percentage of graduates of the program work in companies or institutions related to the subjects studied. Among them the following stand out: Eagle Ottawa, Cuero Centro S.A. de C.V., GST Autoleather, plantas, León, Saltillo y Nuevo Laredo, Tenería Dueñas del Centro S.A. de C.V., Tenería Futura, S.A. de C.V., Tenería Lefarc, S.A. de C.V., Toroza Química, S.A. de C.V., Concentradora Nacional de Productos Químicas, BADER de México, Curtidos Malpe, S.A. de C.V., Midori Autoleather, S.A. de C.V. Planta San Luis Potosí, Botas Cuadra, S.A. de C.V., Universidad de Guanajuato.