Gobierno de MéxicoConacyt
Innovación tecnológica- CIATECLaboratorios - CIATECAsesorías y consultorías - CIATECPosgrados y capacitación -CIATEC





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Requests for Access to Information. Procedure by which anyone, under the terms and conditions established by the Law, can access the information generated, acquired, transformed or in the possession of the dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration. To submit a request for access to information, visit: https://www.infomex.org.mx/gobiernofederal/home.action

Liaised Unit 

Institution schedule Telephone and extensionOfficial emailOfficial Address of the CenterUnit’s Person in charge of the relevant operation Position or function in the Unit
8:00 to 14:00 hrs. 15:00 to 17:00 hrs.(477) 7 10 00 11 Ext. 12002unidad_de_transparencia@ciatec.mxOmega #201, Col. Industrial Delta, León, Guanajuato, México, C.P. 37545Mtra. Ma. Marisela Romero ManriqueHead of the liaised unit
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